Looking for lighter plate than Super-X, are adjustable pivots less strong than fixed?

Hi everybody,

I am looking to buy a new skate plate, but I kind of have to order within two days now. I currently use SureGRIP Super-X with super loose trucks. I mostly street-skate in with traffic, do a few jumps over things and go fast, I can do twisty-turny but my loose trucks are fine with that.

I was wondering whether to get the same plate again or a lighter plate; what's out there? I like 10 deg and really want strong trucks and kingpins as I have a tendency to break things. Do any of you have any good ideas please?

This leads me to the other question: are adjustable pivot pins weaker than those on a forged truck? I really am tired of rolling down the road at 45kmph haha.



  • Some adjustable pivots are better than others. Depends on what type of skating. Bowl and outdoor skating is hard on skates anyway. I have never broken a pivot on SG DA45s.

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