Getting the most out of this forum
Here are some tips and tricks for using this forum:
- Use the reactions. These let you share how you feel about other’s comments. The most liked content shows up on the Best Of page.
- Mention others. Put an @ symbol before the username to mention someone. They’ll get notified when you do.
- Update your notification preferences. You’ll receive a notification if someone mentions you or posts to a discussion that you’ve bookmarked. You can set notifications from the Edit Profile page.
- Send messages. You can private message members by going to your inbox, or visiting their profile page (click their username anywhere).
- Don’t want to see everyone’s signature? You can hide signatures by going to Edit Profile > Signature Settings.
- Check out the forum from your mobile phone. Just go to the forum URL in your browser - no need to download an app.
- Want to embed a YouTube video, a Pinterest Pin or a Tweet? Just paste in the link. Vanilla will handle the embedding for you!
- Check out what’s going on with other community members on the Activity page.
Have fun!
Wow, I didn't know about some of these, thanks!
Are the text formatting controls documented somewhere? When I paste in text, all the line terminations are lost and it looks like a real mess. And how do I get links to actually work? I always get "404" for completely valid URLs.
Hi ese002- sorry I did not see your message earlier.
Can you add a sample message to this thread with the two problems - text and URL so I can try and figure it out? I just tried a URL and didn't have a problem with it.
The image link I try is:
If I leave off the quotes, I get 404 and it is removed. Http or https doesn't change anything. works so I guess it is just image files that it chokes on.
How do I to remove draft posts? Cant find this feature.... Thanks!
From The Netherlands
How do you like someones post or comment?
ese002 it seems to have something to do with adding any space after the URL. I posted it ok above but if I put one space in after, it gave me that error.
When you create any drafts you will see a "my drafts" link pop up under your menu options on the left side (under your profile picture).
Any drafts you've saved will appear there. To delete one, hover over it and you will see a small x on the right side to delete it.
That option is not available for Vanilla Forums, sorry about that 😥
Ahh yes thanks , i see the small x now!
From The Netherlands
Alright, I'm gonna be honest here: I am not a fan of the design of these forums. It's hard to read. I understand that the old forums used technology that's 20 years old, but it worked, and I prefer that. I gave it a chance but I can't get used to it.
Why can't I send images here?
I think the image is more attractive
It seems that I can only post pictures like this?
Skatesfun, what exactly is happening? You should be able to attach any image file with a valid format. Are you getting an error message?
I think what @Skatesfun is saying that there is no way to include an image in the post. Similar to the way that you would see an image (with a caption) in a newspaper/academic article.
Something that's also off is the ping system. Try at-ing me, you will likely see a box with a blank square saying "loading." Since I can't see what I typed, I don't know if the person I'm at-ing is correctly pinged @Jesica. Is there something wrong on my computer?
Is there a way to select a different font? Serifed fonts are harder to see on the screen without zooming in. Also, is there a way to deactivate the auto return (adding space after pressing [enter].
The extra spacing makes it difficult to list items that are easiest read on separate lines:
e.g. place
It looks sloppy when you want to write something afterwards since the next piece is either looks like part of the list or...
e.g. place
It looks very disjointed because it's now separated by three spaces or it.
I'm just posting a picture of my dino socks to check :p
@Bboyheathen I am aware of those other two problems. I've looked into the spacing issue and haven't really found any answers. As for the callouts, that one was just brought to my attention so I'm looking into it.
Wow, thanks.