Back stops !

Hi all, have just treated myself to some new Rio quad skates after wanting some for years ! Back when I used to skate (many many moons ago ) all skates had back stops but this seems to be a thing of the past ! Can I fit a back stop to this type of skate - and if not how the heck do I stop when I’ve going faster than planned ! I’m mid forties so can’t risk too many accidents 😂


  • Hi Viv,

    If I'm going too fast facing forwards i turn around so body is facing opposite direction but still travelling in forwards direction an use toe stops to bring speed down to a more controllable level.

    I don't know the fancy words to describe the movements and I don't know much about all the boots and equipment myself as returning to skating myself after 20yrs off skates, sorry.

    Internet wasn't a thing when I was skating or accessible like it is now. Taught myself how to do it all....look up on you tube how to stop there are good tutorials in there to teach or refresh memory.

    Good luck 😀

  • Thank you ! Unfortunately I live at the top of a rather steep hill so had better learn quick 😂

  • Haha. Maybe worth buying a heel stop an see if it fits plate and trucks yourself if no one comes up with answer. Could you ask shop you brought skates from? There are also Facebook quad skate groups that might be able to also advise.

  • I'm a rear brake master. There is a California Skate Brake which I use only if my trucks aren't similar enough to use a sketcher back brake which was made as part of the right rear truck, or a suregrip bolt on that works for most Sure Grip trucks. the Calfifornia skate brake is definitely the worst one, as the pad is not very thick, so it doeS wear out rather quickly/. My fave is the right rear truck from the sketcher skate. Sure Grip brakes available on

    "I just love to skate. I found that the more time I put into it, the more enjoyment I got out of it." --Slomo

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