Skates & pads for toddlers?
in Quad Skating
Hi all, I want to start teaching my son (3.5) how to skate. I got basic clip on skates that are pretty terrible but probably ok outdoors (plastic wheels). Curious if there are better options out there for beginner toddlers w tiny feet that are still growing.
Also since we’ll be skating outdoors, any recs for toddler pads? It seems like the youth sizes are for 6+. I’m looking at Pro-Tec and 187 at the moment.
E.g. Powerslide (playlife) etc make tiny skates with rubber wheels.
From The Netherlands
He’s currently a size 6.5 junior ~5.5” (can’t seem to edit my original post...). I’m seeing most adjustable/regular kid skates start at size 10 junior. Someone did recommend I just make a sneaker skate for him. How many shoe sizes are plates good for? Do they make them that small?
Also another brand of Powerslide
From The Netherlands
Looks like I can’t really find those Chaya skates anywhere... also they don’t seem to accommodate a J7 size. Looks like the clip on/plastic wheel are my only option for store bought...
This is the best idea to learn skate. but not only skill you should to get the best skating shoes. you can see more detail here
Hmmm. Roller skates or inline skates? I got some of these for my god-daughter... I mean, they are just to get her started, but she loves them more than anything in the world. Did you want something professional? If not, these are fine..
If you wanted inline skates, I got something close to this for my son when he was about 3... and they were absolutely fantastic...,default,pd.html?src=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&adpos&scid=scplp547501&sc_intid=547501&gclid=CjwKCAjwqML6BRAHEiwAdquMnSidaanCDVul_BHFYoMoDDyzSF7VF1K2ETKAJGsAZs5VpnoxKNTjSBoCJWAQAvD_BwE
Children’s feet always grow too fast, so you should buy child-adjustable roller skates, which are very useful.
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