Working on my weak leg

Any tips for working on a weak leg? I feel I’ve reached a wall I can’t get through until my bad leg (and I’m not even sure which it is) starts working better. I think it’s the barrier between where I’m at and slides, skating backwards etc.


T-stops are easy trailing my right foot, but I almost fall every time I try with the other.

lunge turns (are they the ones with the inside foot leading?) are easy going left, but feel really forced going right, and the weight distribution just feels wrong.

Theres more I can’t think of right now. I’ve tried starting with scissoring the other way (I usually trail my right foot), which feels ok most of the time...


  • I can only say don't give up. Training legs is hard and take very long time to see results.

    From The Netherlands

  • From what you have said, it sounds like your right leg is your bad leg.


    You can roll on your left alone, and drag the right. You cannot roll on your right. You also cannot lead a turn with your right.

    First off, do you have a current or chronic problem with your right knee, hip, or ankle. I have a permanently bad left ankle. But I can roll on either foot. My ankle gives out on an inside, outside to the ankle, turn.

    Try this: Off skates, do an airplane stand on each foot for a certain number of seconds. You know. Stand on a foot, lean forward with your arms out like an airplane. You might notice a problem on your right when you do this. Just practice every day. Work up to a minute standing, then 2, then 3.

    Once you can simply stand balanced off skates, you should notice a nice benefit ON skates.

  • Thanks for that reply, I’ll give that exercise a go. I wasn’t sure which was the weak one as when I’m scissoring with my right foot behind it feels like I’m putting my weight on it so the left foot rides over stuff. What you say makes sense though! I’m not aware of any chronic issues!

  • The on wheels extension to rufushprime99's suggestion is one foot glides. You should be able to glide on either foot indefinately, or at least until you run out of roll. When that gets easy, work on one-foot slaloms.

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