Entirely new rolling sport

On August 24, 2019 I invented a new sport (athletic activity) while playing with my grandkids. I call it Skooting instead of scootering because I did not want any er in this activity. Also, it is a lot like skating or skiing hence the k. The only equipment needed is two skoots. A skoot is made by taking a kick scooter and shortening the handle bars. The handles are shortened because the scoots often need to be closer together than normal handles will allow. 

To skoot simply put one foot on each skoot, hold the two steering stems, and push sideways alternating legs as in skating or cross-country skiing. The reason I would like to see it catch on is that it is fun, great exercise, and the possibilities are endless. I am 68 years old, so I don't do many tricks, but a teenager could go crazy. The steerability of the front wheels adds a new dimension. Speaking of safety, when I tell people about this I usually get a sarcastic "That sounds really safe." Actually it is. I have only fallen once. It is safer than skates, scooters, or bikes. 

Of course it is important to get good equipment. First of all be sure the skoot is safe for your weight. At times you will put all your weight on either skoot, so be sure each skoot can handle your entire weight. Also, find the lightest one possible, You have to lift the skoot with each stroke. Luckily you do not have to lift them very high.  

    I really think skooting will go international. It is as much fun as skating, but you don't have to lace up skates. You could even do it barefooted. My motto is unlace your skates and jump on your Skoots.

How to skoot. https://youtu.be/MtDV155FmMs

Grandson's first time on Skoots. https://youtu.be/j9cwNcfVfZs


  • I put a new video on YouTube on how to learn to skoot. Check it out and give it a try. I am addicted.


  • I'm not very good, but I'm having fun and getting exercise.


  • Very interesting, Denny! It is like having two scooters instead of one. I see it takes practice since its new concept. Good idea but my question then for parents that they see this and their child wants skootering, that is twice as much more expensive buying 2 scooters and make it as skooter. Parents would then say, just stick with one or go roller skating or inline skating. Some of the moves does move like roller skates though. Neat idea though.

  • Thanks for checking it out. Scooters are fairly inexpensive. I have less than $100 invested in my Skoots. They don't even have to match although it looks cooler. You're right about the techniques being very similar to skating. I managed to get on the local news on two stations last week. See my YouTube channel. (Dennis McClanahan). Thanks again for your input.

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