- All Skates in One Place
The Skate Debate forum is a community for all types of skaters- roller, inline, aggressive, hockey, ice, slalom, fitness, you name it! Discuss the scene, share your experiences, talk about events, trade your stuff, or just share your love of all things skate with others.
Category List
Information about the forum, including rules
31 discussions 56 comments Most recent: The Great 50 May-Contain-Beens of the Yankees'Over and above 50 Yrs by Bellingers on March 14
Post any and all type skating events here
34 discussions 25 comments Most recent: What is even-odd betting? The easiest and most effective way to place even-odd bets by wintips123 on March 1
General discussions that don't fit into any of the other categories
496 discussions 589 comments Most recent: Look at the top 10 most handsome Manchester United players by phocohanoi2 on March 7
If you're new to skating, ask your newbie questions here
44 discussions 90 comments Most recent: Fun88: Where Thrill Meets Winning in Online Betting! by nguyencuong0704 on February 15
From the rink to the great outdoors, all things Quad
111 discussions 410 comments Most recent: MMOexp: This emblem and the society's clandestine nature by AventurineLe on March 1
Ask skate building expert Fred "DocSk8" Benjamin about building and repairing indoor speed, derby, and jamskate quad roller skates. Please start a new thread for each new question.
72 discussions 217 comments Most recent: Different bearing and axle thickness by Derek on February 2024
Whatcha talkin bout? Derby!
8 discussions 5 comments Most recent: Taking the "Girls" Out of Roller Derby by AmberEyedDog on June 2024
If you like to go fast, this forum is for you
31 discussions 126 comments Most recent: Need advice about my first pair of inline speed skates please by Fierocious1 on February 2024
Skating to lose weight or get fit? This is for you
18 discussions 54 comments Most recent: MMOexp: The patch last night nerfed the damage of the machine by AventurineLe on March 1
Let's see your fancy footwork
13 discussions 8 comments Most recent: Transition from Quad to Slalom Inline Skate by trackspecialist on February 2024
Vibes on skates, turn it up
53 discussions 46 comments Most recent: Veronica Timms - Have you listened to this singer/Roller dancer’s music/video? by 40yearslater on June 2024
Beauty, form and flow
32 discussions 88 comments Most recent: Best artistic dance wheels and bearings? by rinkrat on March 16
The blades are sharp instead of round, but we're still skating
14 discussions 13 comments Most recent: Question: Hockey blades on speed skates? by iristhomas1299 on June 2024
Check in here with a location thread title to share location-based skating info.
10 discussions 20 comments Most recent: looking for any pic's or address of the old Skateland in 1965 west tampa off Himes ave in Tampa by boat on May 2022
Post your skating related stuff for sale in here
44 discussions 30 comments Most recent: Need wheels trued up or custom materials? by mcostello on July 2023
If you own a skating related business and you want to advertise your products or services, post away!