Burning through wheels

Hi. Im only new to inline skating, a corrona victim . My ice skating rink closed.

I have a set of misson skates, but im struggling to find wheels that can handle tight corners, stops etc on bitumen netball courts.

I also skate a Km or 2 (mile) to get there on the road

Im on my third brand of wheels "that will last for ages" according to the skate shops.

Is there a difference in brands through ebay if the ratings are ok?

86A wheels are wearing at the moment i will only get 10-20 hours out of them.

Are 88a wheels all the same?


  • Yes I have F0/88A wheels they are lasting longer, disadvantage is just traction.

    Buy real made wheels in USA, from experiences I have discovered more value for money...

    From The Netherlands

  • Also, are you rotating them? Otherwise, they get carved real quick. Also if the road is smooth, go for a higher duro.

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  • What is the type and brand of wheels that you have gone through so far?

    Are you rotating them?

    How do you stop? Are you dragging a foot? If so, try something else.

  • FR Street Invaders II’s are very good, despite being only 84A; better than the SEBA Street Invaders were.

    Im currently on 88A Undercover Nick Lomax wheels, they last about the same. Both of these will run ya about $80usd for a set of 8.

    Wheels last me for a few months, but then I don’t do slides, either...

  • Outdoor wheels lasts for ages unless you just don't skate much. I suspect your skate shop thinks you are skating indoors. Indoor wheels used indoors last a long time. Indoor wheels used outdoors are rapidly destroyed.

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