adjustable pivot pins

how does pivot pin adjustment angles affect skating? would it be like different cushion durometer?


  • Adjustable pivot pins ensure that there is little to no slop between the pivot pin and pivot cup. When running larger, harder, or new bushings it is possible for there to be some slop between the pivot pin and pivot cup on plates that used fixed pivot pins. This can result in the skates feeling slightly off and in certain cases can result in the pivot pin, pivot cup, and/or plate being damaged. To combat this you can use trucks with adjustable pivot pins and adjust them so that there is little to no slop between the pivot pin and pivot cup. If you aren't sure how to adjust your pivot pins and you aren't having any problems with your skates it is usually advised to leave them alone or at the very least ensure that someone knowledgeable adjusts them for you. If you want to learn how to adjust your pivot pins you can follow the guide linked below or watch one of the many videos available on YouTube.

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