Bay Area, CA

I'm a member and organizer of some skate groups in the South Bay, with close ties to the SF skate scene. You can find most of them on Facebook, lmk if you don't see what you're looking for there.

"I just love to skate. I found that the more time I put into it, the more enjoyment I got out of it." --Slomo


  • SF bay area. not many rinks left. but still skating oppertunities.

    San Jose has A rink at east ridge mall. San Jose Skate.

    the silver creek sports complex has some public skating it is a Huge complex for roller hockey

    there is rink in santa cruz. the roller pallidium.

  • also the church of 8 wheels in sanb francisco. the former sacred heart church at filmore and fell up in the city. goldengate park dkating place has been resurfaced and given more space. the current active rink is san ramon, it was going to close last year 2021 but as of 3/22 are still open. no set closing date

    There is a new Aloha rink in emeryville. a mall store that has been converted I heard about it but havent seen it.

    outdoor rink with a wood floor a community rink at liberation park next to eastmont mall.

    tough being a rink rat not sure if rhonert park calskate is open, but there are several nice rink in sacramento California.

    I must have missed something.could use a little help. any one?

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