Does anyone take their dog skating?

I took my dog on a trail/street skate tonight for the first time. He did great! We didn't go far, he needs to build up his stamina and toughen up his foot pads, but he loved being able to sprint full out! I was worried about controlling him, but we had no issues, even when seeing a couple bunnies lol.

Any recommendations or tips?

1512 x 2688 - 1M


  • Hahahahaaa omg that brings back memories. I used to let my dog pull me on roller skates when I was a kid. She weighed 130lbs, and I was about 60lbs. It all seemed great until she went wild and started running. I had holes in my skates that went all the way to my toes. Also the knees payed the price too. I'm like 90% scar tissue now. 😂😂😂

    Although I don't have any advice, I commend you. It is probably the best thing in the world for a good dog.

  • I skate with my dog on a paved community/ park walking path. I skate with him, rather than him pulling me, and most times he runs in the grass. Biggest tip I can give is to drop the leash if he stops suddenly and you can't brake or stop before yanking on him. My dog is black as well, and I try to go early morning or late evening during the summer when its hot. I let my dog sniff and do his own thing when he wants to stop (I hate seeing dog owners yanking on their poor dogs). Other than that, its good fun for both of us. Oh, almost forgot, always bring 2 bags!!

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