Jackson Boots?

Decided to get back into skating at the age of 51 after 35 years of not being on quads. Did some inline skating over the years but came across a YouTube video of shuffle skating and it brought me back to NYC when I would skate at The Roxy in Manhattan and Skating Palace and The Stars in the Bronx. I used to roll Riedell Boots and All American Dream wheels but finding Riedell boots are on back order until November. My local skate shop carries Jackson Finesse and Mystique boots but I can find any information on them outside of their ice skating boots.

Does anyone have any experience with Jackson rhythm skate boots?


  • Low quality, would only recommend the high end ice boots but they're super stiff. Should work alright though temporarily as long as they fit.

  • Decided to give them a try. Don't want to wait for for Riedells backorder to clear up. If I get back into skating I'll just upgrade accordingly. Thanks for the input.

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