
Hi All

I m a new kid on the block,,, I skated at Harry's (Moonlight) Roller Rink in Glendale CA in the 50's ans 60's

I was reading a blog on the forum on the subject of" true rexing" and { larryO wrote that he knew the Moonlight

in Glendale , I was wondering who this person was. If you know Ralph Evans and Scotty Riggs and Danny DeVilla?

I agree that what is shown as rexing is an imitation of the real thing.

If you or anyone who skated at Moonlight Glendale, please make contact, I m looking for any video tapes of the good ole days

I was at Harry's (Moonlight) on opening night and managed to learn to rex but couldn't quite make the center ring where spot rexing

was ongoing every Thursday night,

Would like to meet up with anyone who was there or anywhere rexing was on

aloha jackr


  • Sorry, would you describe what rexing is?

  • Hey Jackr, I know those people. Vaguely but I do know them. I actually wrote a piece on backwards rexing and how it got it's start. I went on to name the people that got it going and kept it going. I also made a mix of the music that was used for the competitions. Including some of the old organ music. I'm younger and wasn't born when it started but I got my information from Carol Craver (Rollerskateland Santee) and Domic (Moonlight and rinx records). If you would like to read it or listen to the songs that were used, you can find it here

  • edited February 2021

    By the way, in that video is George and Diane at Skateworld San Diego. They both are very good spot rexers. That isn't an imitation, that IS the real thing. I think that you are talking about just regular rexing where you go around in an hour glass pattern. Different than spot rexing which is done in a tight figure 8

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