Skating is just for special people?

Well when I was a kid, many of my friends were skating.

Now growing up having a beard and less flexible.... I don't see any adults skating, yes very very rare in summer time.

I see a few just for short moment then they stopped again.....

So can say skating is just for die hards ? Skating for me is better then running, cycling etc.

Yes I do cycling and running, but just boring and less advantages for better health....

From The Netherlands


  • What i have learned in my 36 years is that everything comes around again.

    Rollerblading will come back into fashion one of these years.

    In the meantime just get out and enjoy it as it sounds like you are!

  • Yup I think so! skating is just too fun and good for heath to stop!

    From The Netherlands

  • A/C, bathrooms, food, music(your own maybe) mostly clean floor to skate on.... I love it!

  • If you skated where I skate you would see an adult. I'll be turning 75 next month and have no intention of ever quitting.

    You're right, skating is more fun and beneficial than cycling or running. I have found that skating is second only to XC skiing in feeling like I just got a total body workout after I'm done.

    I do running too when I don't have time to drive out to the trails I skate on. I only cycle when I'm too injured to do the things that give me a better workout.

    Keep it up, you're getting your life right!

    Illinois USA

  • Waauuuww I hope I will reach that age and still standing on wheels! Respect!

    From The Netherlands

  • I had an uncle that skated up til he passed away. He was 72

  • Waauww!

    Well I have any respect for any people who skate, but just more respect for people who is getting older. Skating is just more than standing stable on wheels 😮

    From The Netherlands

  • Adults skate ALL THE TIME!!!! We have a gigantic adult skating community in the US, especially in the Tri-state area (New York, New Jersey and Connecticut). Every night of the week you can go to adult night somewhere, you just have to be willing to travel. Two of my favorite skaters are 85 and 90 years old at Rollermagic in CT. They skate all the time, like 3 days a week! We have a strong community and the best skaters are the older ones.

  • Yes here we had a community ( to skate every weekend night) in a big city near my village.

    It has been shut down long time ago, no more members....

    Yes I wish I live in US, looks like you guys practicing more skating...

    From The Netherlands

  • Well due of this virus crisis, I have seen more people (especially) women are practicing skating.

    I wish more man should practicing to have some competitors, to make me better.

    I hope it just not temporarily hype.... because of this virus crisis and sun shine....

    From The Netherlands

  • Glad to hear that there are older people who still skate. i am 65 and have just started, though I have thought about it for a while. Due to the lockdown there are quite a few carparks where I live which are empty of cars so they are good places to practice.

    I'm expecting a few funny looks though.

  • Yes great to hear more skaters at age are joining shoes on wheels :-)

    From The Netherlands

  • The rink closures have brought me back outside again and back onto inline skates. I got a new pair of inlines and I'm absolutely falling in love with inline-skating again. Wireless headphones make it a great experience. It's nice being your own DJ.

  • Yes good to hear you found a good alternative. Just touring or speed skating?

    From The Netherlands

  • Strictly dance and slalom. Small plate 231. Rockered. Size 76 wheels. I love dancing. I hate going fast. I'm a turtle.

  • Yeah did slalom at younger age with 231 frame and agressive boots. But it was boring , being skating alone....

    From The Netherlands

  • Skating is a social activity, many people skate for that community. I skate because I love to skate. I started skating as a kid, but have come and gone from skating. I have skated regularly for that last 12 years now. Unfortunately I have seen a couple rinks in my area close.

  • The social thing has always been the troublesome part for me. I'm super shy. The thing I hate most about the rinks is that there is always someone following you around with a camera and a lot of the time they are live-streaming it. I hate it enough that I avoid certain rinks because of it.

    Now that I've been forced back outside I am really truly happy. Solitude can be incredible.

  • I prefer outside,much more freedom. But have to confess have never skated indoor🤣

    From The Netherlands

  • I prefer quad skates and so prefer indoor rinks. I too am very shy, so I go and will mostly just skate. My wife is not shy at all, and she enjoys the socializing as much as the skating.

  • edited May 2020

    So skating is for special people ( in a good way ofcourse)🤗 I was shy in youth period, but sports helped me to be confident.

    From The Netherlands

  • I have quad skates and skate indoors. I have no problem with being video recorded while skating. I usually skate like no one is watching.

  • I am 70 and I just invented Skooting. Get this started in the Netherlands. Check out my YouTubechannel at Dennis McClanahan

    I even made two tv stations. It's just as much fun as skating, but you don't have to lace anything up. You just hop on your Skoots and go.

  • Special people? Maybe... yes! I believe that skating is a sort of addiction. If you like the taste it stays with you for the rest of your life. I always skated (and still skate at age 64) for my own pleasure, without having taken lessons, without aspiring at reaching a refined technique. Just freely.

    Skating in the old days was different than today. At age 10-12 (year 1967) I remember terrible strap-on roller skates, practiced in my cousins' garage. During summer we went to the overcrowded Rimini beach roller rink (Italy). Few years later skating was forgotten.

    Maybe in 1977-78 Roller disco reached Italy and stayed alive with a "longtime wave", but I was studying at the University: no skating.

    I moved to Frascati (Italy) for my thesis in 1980-81. A free-entrance rink was (and is still) present there, immersed in the public gardens. No supervisors nor rental facility were there. Nonetheless it was overcrowded on saturdays and sundays: by skaters and public past the railing. Some regulars provided their own boombox for music. I bought fake (China) disco skates, restarted practicing and I learned some basic artistic moves thanks to other practitioners.

    I believe inline skates arrived in 1985-86. I was still in Frascati, now employed. I was thrilled by these skates and I bought one of the first Rollerblade imitations (pre Lighting, with multi hole frames) at a reasonable price. In some way I was proud of them: for two years I was the only inliner, people were curious, I was the alien. In other aspects I was not fond of them: wheelbase too long and lack of toe stops (they have good reasons to stay there on quads, why to change?).

    In 1990 a big ice rink opened 8 miles away from where I lived. Once a week (at least) after work I went there together with a beloved young Romanian colleague. We were a couple mad for skating. Even this rink was always full.

    So... I tasted many flavours of skating. I always liked the mood felt in rinks. For my point of view it's only a pity that inline skating lost an opportunity to develop artistic/dance. I still have and use my Risport Galaxie made in 1985 but bought years later, 2nd hand. Inline, with their own factory toe stops mount, as I like.

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