To Facebook or not to Facebook

I am trying to drum up interest in the sport of skooting as you may have noticed from my posts.  I am thinking of joining Facebook. I have avoided Facebook in the past like the plague (or should I say covid) because I think it is too political. It doesn’t matter who you vote for you still need exercise and fun (especially now)- and scooting will give you both. I would appreciate any feedback from you Facebook users as to would it be advantageous for me to join. Are there a lot of user groups, clubs, etc. that I could use to spread my propaganda? Thank you in advance for any tips you may have.


  • Good question. Yes, FB has gone too political and one sided as well since I do not like their stance. But I still have my FB because many former rinks are still listed in FB and its easier for me to log on to see those former rinks with information such as opened date and closed date for good, and photos for my site. If I do that without sign on, I get them to block after about 20 seconds. I am tired of clicking "Not Now" every time. So, I focus on that. Yes, my D-R is on there to announce or any fans have anything to say can post and I can add. So, for you, you can do that without focusing on political stuff. I think there is something you can block politics. If you want to advertise, you have to sign their agreement that you would not discriminate, get political, etc. FB is left leaning and would do anything i their power to stop Conservatives. That is what really the contract is when you want to boost ads there. You do not have to do that. Just make a business profile and you will be fine. If you want a different social media, there are several dozens of them out there actually. Just stay away from MySpace because it is pretty dead and their mission statement has changed from social media to music media. This one here is a social media and you just started that, Denny.

  • edited October 2020

    It's a personal choice, but I can't deal with Facebook during presidential races. Too many people I otherwise like make it their mission to not only express their political opinions, but also to put down anyone who disagrees. It makes it harder to be friends with them elsewhere.

  • Facebook sucks!

    I don't have an account and frankly, anyone who promotes solely through facebook will reap what they sow. too many crazies on there.....

    If you do promote through facebook that's cool, just remember to post on forums too because most frequent one or the other.....

  • What about Instagram? Should I try that platform? Anybody use it?

  • If you treat it like a business platform, that's fine IMO.

  • Ok I joined. Now what?

  • I've been on Facebook for about a week now and I've got some positive comments. I've also got some negative ones mainly from skaters. I'm not sure what they are afraid of.

  • probably since it's not skating

  • I don't trust Facebook. For one thing, it's been hacked too many times for me to feel comfortable sharing even basic information on there. And then there's the content which isn't always in good taste which is putting it nicely.

  • Sadly it was facebook that killed the old Skate Log Forum, and is why this forum doesn't have alot of activity. There are a few good groups with very knowledgeable and experienced skaters. Denny, i think some of the negativity has probably come from the "elitist" crowd on FB.

  • The elitists are probably pretty knowledgeable. I would rather have them there than not. At least we can still read and learn from the old SkateLogForum.

  • I miss SkateLog.

    There doesn't appear to be anything that even comes close to the community that existed there for so long. I had higher hopes for this site seeing that it was recommended on the SkateLog home page, but not only is there very little activity here, it doesn't appear to be moderated. I log in and click on Discussions to be greeted by at least a half dozen spam posts. Then spend my first few minutes flagging them all.Then the appearance of the site is just ...well... kind of blah.

    Don't misunderstand me. I'm grateful that there is something. I have a great amount of dislike for farcebook and it's founder. Most of all, I just miss SkateLog.

    This is my signature.

  • I had a post removed from "Big Wheel Blading".  I was told the reason is because it was not about roller blading in spite of the fact I have several other posts about Skooting on their site.  I also pointed out that Skooting uses the same propulsion, techniques, and wheels as inline skating.  Here is the post I had that was removed.  It also had a picture of some Skoots.

    If you want to learn more about Skooting, check out one of these playlists from my YouTube channel (Dennis McClanahan).  All of the videos are short.  Thanks

    Fun on Skoots-  26 videos

    Skooting instruction- 16 videos

    First time skootists- 7 videos

    Skooting tricks-  20 videos

    Skooting-  42 videos

    Skooing- 7 videos

  • Hi there im Jay it has come to my attention that these skates very recently was put on ebay for sale in the UK ive brought and sold bauer skates for a few years now but these are the rarest of the bunch these skates were designed and built in 1984 and they were not used till 2002 and 2005 all for advtising and demos and shows to my knowledge not 1 pair was sold. With there box and original inners these skates i will pay £7000 I have hunted for these skates for 10 years. So please guys if you know of these skates being sold please get in touch ill be going around a few forums and pop in at least 2x a week. Many thanks Jay.

  • Check out the group called SkateAddiction on Facebook alot of skatelog people have moved to there it's a good group of people 👍

  • edited March 2021

    1080 x 2280 - 799K
  • Thanks. I'll check them out.

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