Snyder Royal NTS


I'm new here and looking to build up a new set of skates. Stylistically, I mainly skate a mix of old school shuffle styles and footwork oriented dance skating. (Bill Butler moves, traveling grapevine variations, 3-turns. I also practice figures, loops, and formal edge jumps(ie. single loop). I currently skate in a pair of vintage Riedell skates (circa 1980) that are about a full size too big for me. They look like something along the lines of a 297, but they aren't marked on the inside. I have foam stuffed in the toe box to take up the extra space. They have an early Imperial plate, the version without a jump bar. I learned most of my skating vocabulary on these plus-sized skates that once belonged to a skate coach with larger feet than me :)

I recently got a very good deal on a much newer, lightly used set of 220s with SG Classic plates. I was able to fully adapt to them in one session despite the 10 degree action. The plates work fairly well for what I do, but I don't like that I can't use urethane cushions in them.

Since I greatly prefer the 45 degree action and deeper edges of the Imperial, I'd like to stick with that platform for my new boots. Particularly, if I can get on a lighter plate that can utilize urethane cushions with a click-action. This is why I'm on the hunt for the Snyder Royal. It seems like a good option for what I do.

Question 1: Is the Royal still available from Synder? I've asked a local rink manager to inquire for me, but I haven't heard back.

Question 2: What size Snyder plate would you recommend for an 8.5 Riedell art boot? My feet fit between an 8.5-9 for Riedell boots. My oversized Riedell boots are mounted to a size 10 Imperial plate.

Question 3: Is there another plate option out there that you'd recommend based on what I've written. I'd appreciate any opinions. This forum is such a gold mine of knowledge and experience.




  • 1) I certainly have no trouble obtaining Royals from Snyder. They are custom built and have a 6-8 week lead time. I modify them for the urethane cushions. Other folks may do it as well but it is not a simple drop on.

    2) I wear a size 8 on all my size 9 speed boots. Don't get into the arty stuff much but I would think an 8 or a 9 would be fine.

    3) We designed the Avenger to be a Royal on the cheap. I think they are 90 -95% of what a Royal can do. Size 3 Avenger.

    Feel free to hit me up by email if I can be of further assistance.

  • Thanks, Doc!

    That's very good to know. I sent you a PM.

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