Vintage skates

Hello everyone. I just found this site. I got to thinking about skating. All the rinks closed up around me in NJ. Now I am back up in the finger lakes area of NY. The rink in Auburn closed years ago they made it into a self storage bldg. I grew up skating with my parents who skated 3 or more nights a week when they were dating. I still have their skates from the mid 50s. I loved to watch dad and his buddies doing things from back in the day when I went in the service I bought my own set of skates. I wish I had got the boots 1/2 size larger. But I wore a super thin sock in them and it worked then. I bought what I was told was top of the line back in 79. Hyde boots, Chicago jump plates and Canadian red wheels. I made a nice wood box for them and they traveled with me for over 20 years. The last time I wore them was for a 50’s party at a VFW. Everyone thought it was a great costume, tee shirt, jeans and a pair of skates slung over my shoulder when I walked in. Then I really surprised them when I sat down and put them on. It was a lot of fun but it took me forever to get the wheels clean again.

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