One width doesn't fit all

Wouldn't it be nice if inline skates were manufactured in widths?

Everyone's feet are not in the same proportion. Pants are made with a waist and an inseam measurement, not just one or the other. Imagine if everyone with the same waist was expected to be the same height. Why should everyone whose foot is a given length be expected to have the same width foot?

The manufacturers tell us that if your foot is bending to one side you need to move the frame. My opinion is that most of the time this is caused by a skate that is too wide. Skate too wide? Get a smaller skate. But that doesn't work if you're already in the smallest size you can wear. And you can certainly be in the smallest size you can wear but still not have that snug fit up against the sides of your feet that you need to balance on the wheels. What's needed is a narrower skate. And they don't make them except sometimes one brand is narrower than another, but that's not really the way to go about it. We need a choice in all skates.

And people with wide feet have to size up. That means they have to skate in a skate that is really too long for them.

Many years ago shoes were sold in widths. Maybe some brands still are, I don't know. I don't know if skates were ever sold in widths. Of course you don't have to balance in shoes. So, while reviving shoe widths would be nice, reviving skates widths would be way nice.

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