What was your worst fall?

I'll go first.

I was Skooting in Hawaii and had just pushed off when I stupidly stuck my foot between the fender brake and the wheel. Needless to say I went down like a rock- and on to a big beautiful rock. I guess I was lucky as I only had a gash on my leg. It probably needed a couple stitches, but being stubborn I skooted on. Later I went to the drug store and got some bandages and disinfectant. I was on vacation so I wasn't going to let a little cut stop me from getting in the ocean, the pool, and the hot tub. You probably guessed that it got infected and I had to go to the emergency room in Hawaii and again when I got home.


  • I'm glad you are all being so careful and safe. I guess I'm the only one who has scraped asphalt off his front teeth.

  • edited July 2021

    Doing a drop in from a 10 foot half pipe and bouced my head on the bottom. I wore a helmet but it put me in a neck brace for 6 weeks. That was 20 years ago.

  • Thanks for sharing. I'm glad you have recovered. After I invented Skooting I debated about promoting it because I didn't want anyone to get hurt. After consideration I decided that the benefits of getting exercise and having fun outweighed the danger of getting hurt. All rolling sports have the possibility of injury.

  • I was doing a speed skating demo during a festival when I was in 7th grade. It was on inlines, and in a new parking lot. The wind gusted and blew sand from a nearby pile right under my inlines when I was in a fast-hard lean-in turn. I fell, and slid for a long time on the fresh blacktop, scraping away the skin and muscle on my left shin. That muscle was huge and strong because of speed skating. After ward it was convex! 🤢 As normal, I got up quickly and just got back in the skating pack to continue on with my skating, ignoring the injury... UNTIL I looked down and noticed my sock was red. I then saw PART OF MY LEG GONE, and left the pack and skated a couple miles home. My dad helped me pick rocks out of my leg, and it took over 9 months to heal. OH, did I happen to mention the parking lot were in was the new HOSPITAL parking lot? 🤣

  • I don't think I've ever fallen while skating, although I've also never done any tricks and am only just now trying to get back into inline skating after twenty years (the only thing with wheels I've fallen on/in was bicycles and cars; never fell on roller skates, inline skates, or ice skates). But I'd had a nasty fall just WALKING to school back when I was nine. I blacked out (never learned what'd happened), and woke up to find myself sliding across the sidewalk. The whole left side of my face was torn up, and my questing fingers couldn't tell what was gravel and what was clumps of skin. I think I ended up with a small black spot in that eye, and the edge of my nose bone shaved off, but surprisingly the skin healed just fine after a few months.

  • Skating my favorite trail in New Mexico. There is a long downhill with a curve at the bottom. I was on new wheels and freshly oiled Swiss 6's so lots of speed was gained on the downhill. As I went into the corner at speed the wheels lost their grip being new and it was time to crash. The helmet and pads did their job but the cactus also did its job. A prickly situation to say the least😉

    Hear the Heartbeat of Another Before Your Own and then Pass Them😎

    That Sensitive Moment Passing a Depleted Electric Scooter/Bicycle that Blew By You Earlier🤤

  • Needleless to say I hope that wasn't a face plant.

  • On quads going downhill. Went into a tuck position behind a bicycle to gain more speed. I hit a hole in the asphalt with one wheel which sent me into a 360. Fortunately I went down on my backside, but at the speed I was going (I think 25 - 30 mph), I scrapped skin off both elbows and ass hurt for days.

  • I already shared my worst fall, but here is my second (really a toss up for number one). I was practicing a trick I call skating back forward (https://youtu.be/1ZX4rDK198w). (I was going to call it ass backwards but did not think YouTube would like it). I got going a little faster than my skill set and fell forward. I managed to catch myself with my hands, but was not strong enough to keep my face from slamming into the asphalt. I literally had to scrape the asphalt off my teeth. The worst part was I couldn't eat corn on the cob for a month. And the $1000 dental bill. I learned to always wear a helmet with a strong bill.

  • One fall, in particular, I was moving about 18 MPH on my OneWheel when the thing cut off for no reason.... (that's what I told my wife anyway...). Anyway, I was launched into the air and just couldn't get my feet under me in time. Luckily, I landed square on my knee pads and these Triple 8 Wristsaver II guards. Wow.... I slid about 5 feet on nasty asphalt.

  • Wow! Glad you're ok. Hope you were wearing a helmet. Glad I'm not the only one that has to s t r e t c h the truth when explaining to the wife.

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