Skaters Shuffle - J Beezy. The new rollerskating line dance that's being done all over the world

FIRST I want to start by saying that it's so awesome to be on this platform! I remember Kathie Frye many, many moons ago when I had the Beck Family Rollers which was a family of synchronized, performance rollerskaters.... thus the name. That had to have been about 20 or more years ago! Well it's so cool to see her name again in the skating community. Looks like she hasn't missed a beat!

Well, the reason for my post is to let the skating community know about my new rollerskating line dance and song called "Skaters Shuffle". This song and dance is being down all over the world and has become a "thing" on Tik Tok. I'm thinking that if you haven't heard about it yet I wanted to take this opportunity to turn you on to it.

Please take a look at the music video below and if you like it or it lifts your spirits or you think it's cool then please "like" the video and share. Thank you so much and have a wonderful, healthy day. ~ J Beezy

Skaters Shuffle Facebook video

Skaters Shuffle Youtbube video


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