is inline skating popularity on the rise where you live?

Here in Boston Ive noticed a dramatic increase in the number of skaters along the Charles River. It's gotten to the point that nobody feels the need to give that special nod of the head as you pass each other. It happens, just not as often.

I noticed at first it was mostly 20 somethings who never experienced the boom/bust/derision of the past. Now Im seeing lots of older people who apparently are no longer afraid of being called a fruitbooter. Is it possible that we are cool again?

How is it where you live?


  • Yeah, there's definitely been an increase where I live in upstate NY. I think it's great. I hope they end up enjoying it enough to start a new hobby. Also I see a lot of people from the rinks that have nowhere else to go. I guess that's me too. for the past 4 years I've been doing mostly ice and quad skating. It's great to be back.

  • edited May 2020

    It is just trending....... next year online flea market offers a lot of used skates (at least here in Europe).

    That is why I always wait to buy and try new brand before buying new...

    From The Netherlands

  • Definiteley increasing here - I've been out 4 times, and the last time I went out, I saw another skater!

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